in the body. What for me is to come back? I would stay here.”

Should be there silent alone inside the noisy crowd?
“On Thursday, we finally came off. Just away from Sound Techniques Studio. I’ve even took some tapes with me because they all well sorted were in my hands. I sorted them on shelves. Of course, it should be a new hit, some noisy guitar stuff, three and thirty cuts for each week.
This was a mystery trip. Nobody should know how we could come off. Rog and Rick go by boat, with Julie we go by two special aircrafts lone. Nick did not come since he stood everyday with car. There were also some dudes with dopes I do not remember them all as took some acid that morning. I started my emerald diary.
We landed on one of the sunny islands somewhere in Spain. Sam and Rog met us. Afternoon we should go swim right now. I thought I was a kid. Even I was a kid. Blackhill sent us a post that we‘ll supposed to take another break on Hawaii that fall. I hope I‘ll invented to go to Vegas that autumn.
On Sunday some stoned dude gave to all of us, the yellow MELODY MAKER with the black lettered header PINK FLOYD FLAKE OUT for read it aloud. What they know about Pink and Floyd and all these tunes?
There weren’t radios. Nobody tell us the news. I trust PIPER POPPER should go top.
On the next day, I didn’t want to listen to and smoke of Sergeant Pepper for fortieth time and said to everybody that I have to discover adjoining area and be some point alone.
I like some Spanish guy playing guitar so swiftly I can’t remember accords and fingers, I stood awestruck behind him and gave him five pounds and some dope. He was so small five or six years old or even younger. Yeah, fantastic.
I never saw an emerald grass. Usually it has a yellowish greenie grassy colour. However, behind this old mill it was emerald like the deep in sea. I never saw. It was not an acid. It was real. As well as this mill was with no one door and window. This was so surrealistic night long before those three nights of the violet sky.
Sam Hurt with his baby son sitting and smoked grass all this time. I do not think he knows he is in Spain. All this time he was so comic. Tho living in own his house nearby. All this dudes and children lived in his house. And I did.”

Excerpt from the forth page of eleven-pages, the chapter one
This story one-by-one was confirmed by my old good friend who said that he chatted one day on with nursery who sat with Barrett in Fulbourn Hospital in those days.
“I do not remember how I came out this rot soaked room. I am alone. What I see is open door I just have to go out. I did. I left the hospital and Cambridge. All I need is to be a new artist. So I have to go back in London. The world will know about new great artist soon. But door is locked and thus my life is locked. It is frightful.
What somebody fears more? Scary tales before sleep or rustling ghosts in the basement? Somebody fears to go insane. On the other hand, be near to somebody who insane. It is a scariest thing in the whole world. You are afraid because you do not understand. What will be soon? Maybe you also can go insane. There are could no jokes with mental. This is risky.
I have just remembered I watched for one man who lived by neighbourhood; the schoolteacher and he become mad one day. He came successful one with family and children. Later his family left him and went back to London. He was lost alone with pupils after school. Nobody knows what he did. Rumours were he was an exhibitionist and probably he demonstrated his dick to them. Nobody knows. However, from time to time he changed his look, his clothes, was fire from the school and spent all his holydays in mental hospital. After that, he was throwing out from the window.
I can’t jump from this window. Lattice.
Next day I asked nice nursery to shift me into another room. Refusal.
Next week I was sitting here in lunchtime and began to tremble with weakness. Green sky was above me. Chris and Joker gave me an acid again. They can go through the walls. But I can’t.
I saw at least twenty three nurseries at one time around me. I just told them I am not ill. Nothing troubles me, but they all were deaf. I have to cry it loud. Lattice.
They gave me a light up. This small cigarette melted with months. How much time I am here? Maybe ten years or twelve. Yesterday they gave me back my diary. The only thing I wrote I the size of window. How many feet? This is not paper. This is bowels. It’s so hard to write on bowels.
On the next mouth, I hardly ate something sour. I was so much get tired from my new book about art history. These right few words destroy a whole week. On the television, somebody believed he likes pigs. All this time is pigs he said. Dirty swine pigs. All around and music. He said much of music. Queers vote’s punk. What does it mean? Lattice or the next door.”

The biopic movie
Shall we wait for a three or fourteen years to get a superior movie about the crackled branches? Good ever-young American guy Johnny Depp was going to dig up it. Maybe such driveller as Ashton Kutcher will portray Roger Waters. We will roar with laughter at him finally.
One person who once previously performed Syd on wide screen was Sir Bob Geldof and he did it with a lot of precision. On one occasion, we talked about that deal after all with him in 1982 on excellent glow exhibition.
Closely a year before Mister Johhny Depp made much of the rustle said that a movie based on the story of Syd, would be a great idea. Great idea or nothing. There are no good ideas to listen on crackled branches in the dark wood. Can you imagine a movie with three hours of empty screen and some person in far place trying to get up, walk up, and buy up something edible in the near store?
“No more rumours. I will never walk on the television again. Actually, Johnny Depp will well once more to act Freddie Mercury as well as this allure life and not this gray our fatality.”
This bald-headed person in short tee bought Le Monde. He never speak fluently French but still remembers from his past life when spoke with Dave accurate as he did. And later on that glow excellent exhibition.
Johhny Depp never told to French Newspaper he likes the roles with depth. And that Syd had depth. Most of them cannot tell between Keith Richard and Syd Barrett at all. Most of them playing guitar as Johnny Cash and singing this loony tunes.
Exactly a year before they played again on the night show broadcast. I will never forget this old geezer singing with his raspy voice the song I heard so many years before in car across the road. Wish him was there.
At last, few American guys wants to get a buy and sell biography of broken being who went insane in lovely wood just as he wants and particularly for himself.
Another guy wanted to get an interview. He had switched on his Dictaphone and recorded a half an hour of silence. Excellent blankly glowing silence. All about what this bald man think if Johny Depp will actually act Syd on the wide screen.
Moreover, after year the complete article will end. Therefore, we possibly will not pass the time for a three or four years more.
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