Under enemy control
That evening we gathered in my house. We took our psychic Alexander.
First we have smoked some joints, listened to some music and drank some Red Bull with vodka. When twilight has turned to night we sat down in a circle while Alexander started to enter the trance.
All of us have been inspired with music which just played. It was early Floyd. Someone, obviously it was me, has suggested to call spirit of Syd Barrett. Some people were in confusion as they didn’t know who he was. I have explained to them in short so that they could understand. Fortunately, Alexander knew who that Syd was.
His fingers nervously knocked on a floor and he told us that he sees Syd, but very far-away. Alexander wasn’t sure, that man who was called is dead. "It seems, that this person has not died, but is very sick ", said Alexander.
"Ask him, where is he?"
"He is so far", Alexander repeated again, "And it seems, he wants to return"
"Why he didn’t compose the songs in such long time?"
"He speaks, that he did, but nobody knew, that it were his songs"
"What songs?"
"It was music which sometimes playing on local radio. He has gifted few songs to one guy. And he doesn’t want call his name because of afraid that will break his life"
"Ask him, what he thinks about Pink Floyd", someone asked.
"He does not like them and their music especially “Dark Side of the Moon”. He said they’re spurious"
"Whether his solitary life has connected to their offence to him"
"What he did in last 35 years?"
"Waited for the end"
"What he thinks of his own music?"
"He considers its silly. He speaks, that he has something what he wants to share but cannot yet. He doesn’t see that person to whom he could give it."
"What is it?"
"He has left", said Alexander, "now I don’t see him at all, he spoke something about porcelain or something like that, I haven’t absolutely understood"
And then one from the guys asked him to call Jimi Hendrix's spirit and I have left a circle. They still discussed something and spoke for a long time, but it wasn’t completely interesting to me. I have opened a window, inhaled night air and have truthfully envied to Alexander.

See you at 101 Cromwell St.
I saw these cats around not so long ago. Maybe it was twenty or thirty years ago. They both were old and witty. I spoke with them about Syd.
Let’s drink a pint of milk. Let’s go in the nearby milky pub. Let’s go by feet.
Pink said that he knows why Syd left the band. It could be probably because of he was nutty.
But Floyd said the other things. He said that Syd was brainy as he is left his band. He escaped the tragic role of superstar, all that fame and money.
He lived alone in his house tried to remember his cats that he missed at 101 Cromwell St.

Back to the Mill
Yairn wis telt by grannie o ma youthie freend frae Glesga.
Wee-oors Soothron dancing baund Pink Floyd cam tae Glesga an gaed tae Green's Playhouse for playing thair ceilidh. Lads an queans cam tae pairty thare. The lang muisicker wit muckle guitar banin aw time insteid o rantin caller sangs an gat gardevines tae his bollocks. Drummer winkt aw time tae little queans an made wir lads verra radge.
Guy on pianae wis feart an dernt unner sicht.
Ae mirk an skyre guy wha awbody cried orra stuid in mids an poukt strings o his guitar. He ae wisn’t banin at oor lads even he gat bottles frae time tae time.
It seemt that one queer socht til keep him awa at dock o the club.
An syne he saunt frae stage.
Daes onybody ken her? Clatter says: she lifes in Glesga: fowerty years auld. Mebbe rubbage. Syd's dauter wis frae Sweden or something like that.
This wus auld spin telt by ma freend wha kent ae quean. Alas, she dee’d of a drogs mony time ago. She telt him she wis a 'groupie' cam frae Sweden efter Pink Floyd in saxties an she wis biggen.Faither like eneuch wis Syd Barrett. That's aw.
An dochter lifes in Glesga: she is ah gangrel artist. A thank ye aw, sae deeply sae sencerly.
A knaw less aboot her nor ma foregane freend... He see’d her somewey, she leuks like gangrel aw in duds, free artist.

Bask in the shadow of yesterday’s triumph
On Thursday, Jan 1, 1972 Syd was in Cambridge, did a gig in Union Society Cellars probably with Stars. In the end of January they did a gig in The Corn Exchange in Cambridge. In February there were four gigs - in the begining, in the middle and two in the end of February. Between these dates Syd was in London on Floyd's early perfomance of DSOTM in Rainbow Theatre. He changed his look, now he got the moustaches. In the begin of March Floyd by the rumours goes to Japan, probably taking Syd in a role of roadie. In that time Stars performed without Syd (because he was in Japan). In April Syd returned to England with Floyd and went apparently to in Abbey Road studios to make some mess records but he couldn't do anything and he goes to Cambridge. Floyd goes to States without Syd. Then in fall Syd performs with Steve Took, but where..? in London or in Cambridge..? In the end of 1972 Syd got a nervous breakdown in Hills Road house's cellar and went to hospital for a while... Syd lived in Cambridge up to summer of 1973 leaving sometimes for visiting London and another good places. He might be invited by Floyd to States in the spring. By the rumours he was there in exact that time. He spend two weeks in New York's cheap hotel while Floyd toured around US. In that time Syd Barrett worked as a gardener for a while. In the summer Syd's got good fees and went to London in the fashionable hotel to enjoy his life in London clubs. Again there were some attempts to get him in the studio but all unsuccessful. In the end of this year Syd moved to Chelsea Cloisters.

This could be a dream
I was in tears when I saw them together and kept in mind that Syd was alone.
No one fucking rock hero would raise my tears except him. I hate I hate Pink Floyd, these trembling voices these shaky hands with old fashioned guitars.
I also disgust of what Roger Waters said who think that he is one who responsible for the Floyd and always was and now after Syd and even because when he left the band practically because of sick.
Really nothing to add...