So, I am who never was there in this point in time and never saw Roger ‘Syd’ in his own authenticity decided to imagine. Even sometimes I apparently guessed...
Before I decided to do anything related to Roger ‘Syd’, I already worked on some fragmentary audiovisual project about head surgical treatment. This was named weirdly as “Grey Cell Surgery” with the following translation for slow-witted as “Brains Surgery” and was fairly dedicated to Vegetable Man. It contained eight tracks of noisy-wacky sounds and several attempts of musique concrète.
In August, 2005 after some turns of events connected to Roger ‘Syd’ (like famous Johnny Depp’s gossip about Syd’s biopic, Live 8 tears etc.) I unexpectedly got an idea of the conceptual visual or audio illustration dedicated to his invisible life in non-existence that was mentioned above. The opening and ending parts of conception should be a travel from one point in unreal world (for him, but obviously real for us, because we so desired to get Syd back) to another. The middle part should be his real world through his eyes which apparently seems unreal to us. This is not a simple chronicles of ordinary life in intolerable pain how it may looks. It’s probably a confession of the onlooker who is standing apart in perplexity because of feeling guilty.
In that time I didn’t even imagine how this travel will finish almost in one year, in July, 2006. If I knew that I would not even begin anything to do. Certainly it was a big confusion for me to represent the entire piece for public eye. I hesitated.
After a long delay, for what I have already apologized, I have introduced all that I promised, exclusively for the Late Night Syd Barrett Discussion Room. There were twelve tracks, eleven from 2005 and additional twelfth from 2006, after death of Roger ‘Syd’, a coda that enclosed some samples from radio news spots. I finished this with this small coda in the end because that was faithfully dedicated to Syd Barrett, and palpably not to Roger ‘Syd’. And I liked an idea.
I guessed that the musical piece will not take a big attention of public masses so I put some warnings about listening to it before. First note was like this...
“...Due to the extremely hard content of the musical piece it will better take it with some dope and clear mind. And if it will possible it is really better listen to this in the correct order...”And second note was like that...
“...Nearly all material prepared in big haste and there were many moments which will be perceived very difficultly on hearing such as clipping, noising and etc. In 2006 there was an attempt to restore this record on more perfect equipment, but it hasn’t brought any significant results. Therefore I would recommend listening to this in distant places inaccessible for patients, elderly and children or simply through the headphones. The Hi-Fi kit also should be used with some care by reason of probability of unexpected damaging...”As a result approximately one hundred folks downloaded it in for approximately two months. After learn of statistics I decided to show to public my doubtful works nevermore. And of what I pleasured much that I’ve got this. Late Night's true habitué and real die hard Syd Barrett's fan Felix Atagong wrote in his very kind review on “Perplexed Infinity”:
“...Stanislav’s soundscapes remind me of the German minimalistic movement of the Seventies without being boring nor too repetitive. Another comparison could lie in the ambient house of the Eighties: Space (very early incarnation of The Orb and KLF), Future Sound Of London, etc... house without the BPM... There is an interesting ambient Kraut movement going on even now: check the Kompakt record label for that.Oh, thank you, Felix! I really read it just about twenty five times! ...Ironically all we know that the most interesting time in Syd’s life was around 1967 and this year was avowed as “wonderful year”, the only one year. Then there was time of deliberation, the whole four years up to 1972 when he was wishy-washy between to be or not to be. Then there was nine years of total insanity, the life in another dimension or say right, on another planet, but really fantastic, this is my personal favourite, and unfortunately this is the foggiest time in his life. And then these twenty five years of pain, these dark ages, my personal despise.
I love the (deliberate?) Pink Floyd influences: the Echoes submarine pings for instance in “Sweet Of You To Come...” and musique concrète thingies: trains, birds... there are some things to discover here and there (even a bell that rings and other things to make it look good).
About Stanislav’s assumption that this is difficult music and a burden for the ears - this is, in my not so humble opinion, not quite true. There is a ‘natural’ flow and evolution in your tunes and I don’t think it is difficult to digest... as a matter of fact (and this is a small point of hmmm... criticism) it could’ve been a bit more adventurous, provocative and recalcitrant at some points...
Personally I would’ve liked some more beat and less drones here and there (I simply can’t resist some beat) and (but there is my Orb fascination again) some well chosen Floydian or Barretesque samples (as in the final track “Missed Episode” that, I can assure you, will get a fixed place on my iPod - if there is one track that is a bit too short it is the final one).
I can come only to one conclusion, your music is modern but as opposed to post-modern. So perhaps one should call it post-postmodern. Maybe I'm just babbling nonsense here.
Give it a try... Listen without prejudice.”
This is what we have. There were one or two years of gold; four years of silver; nine years of bronze (my shiny bronze) and twenty five years of dust. Mathematically this could look like a geometrical progression. Ask me then, of what the human life consists? In every life there are a lot of rises and fallings but the personal hour of triumph actually lasts only seconds. I think we all had or will have this hour in our lives, someone has it stronger for public someone not much, but personally they are all identical for everyone. When you do your own D.I.Y. and then get perfect stool, maybe with some different length legs but you also trying to feel this hour, now and here. This is maybe what Roger ‘Syd’ felt everyday living and trying to catch another hour of triumph. Or maybe trying to raze it at last...
After all, for myself, personally, this is the first serious own skilful dedication to Roger Keith ‘Syd’ Barrett in my life and I definitely believe that is not final.
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Great work.
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